無に等しい者が選ばれる 反転している青文字をクリック,説明または動画
超教派ブレザレン教会は,お百姓さん,木こり,漁師のように肉体労働に従事する庶民の味方です。牧師は有能でなくても,雄弁でなくても,無学であってもいいのです。初代教会のキリスト自身,弟子たちも,≪参照≫ワルド派やブレザレン派の初期の指導者も名もない人々でした。(ヨハネ 7:15; 使徒 4:13 「無学な」ギリシア語 アグランマトスは“公認の専門教育を受けていない”の意)。
The things that are not will be chosen
Please click the blue letters. Explanation or Movie
Rennyo [1415 – 1499] told, “A wise person is who clarifies his / her way of life clearly. Even no matter how much knowledge the person has in his head, the person is a fool if he /she has not awakened for his own life”. (“御文(Ofumi)” or “御文章(Gobun-sho)”.Chapter 5-2)
The Super-denomination Brethren Church is a friend of the common people who engage in physical labor, such as farmers, loggers, and fishermen. Even the pastor, is fine if he is not capable, not a good speaker, and illiterate. Even the first church Christ himself was also a no-name person, as well as his disciples, and the early church leaders of the Waldensians and the Brethren were the same.
<<Reference>> (John 7:15, Acts 4:13. “Unlearned” in Greek word is
It means “not received certified professional education”.)
「兄弟たち,あなたがたが召されたときのことを,思い起こしてみなさい。人間的に見て知恵のある者が多かったわけではなく,能力のある者や,家柄のよい者が多かったわけでもありません。ところが,神は知恵ある者に恥をかかせるため,世の無学な者を選び,力ある者に恥をかかせるため,世の無力な者を選ばれました。また,神は地位のある者を無力な者とするため,世の無に等しい者,身分の卑しい者や見下げられている者を選ばれたのです」 (Ⅰコリント 1:26-28 『新共同訳』)。
It is a group of Christian Church’s “妙(Miyo = Piety people of Jōdo bukkyō (浄土仏教= Pure Land Buddhism)”. “Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.” (1 Corinthians 1: 26-28. New International Version).
God always chooses based on mot
2千年前も,4千年前も,「無に等しい者」 を選んでこられました。優秀,有能,権力ある者を選んだりはなさいません。イスラエルをなぜ選ばれましたか。
「主が心引かれてあなたたちを選ばれたのは,あなたたちが他のどの民よりも数が多かったからではない。あなたたちは他のどの民よりも貧弱であった」 (申命記 7:7)。
「数が多かったからではない」 ではなんのことかわかりません。少数民族はいくらでもいたわけです。原語 [ヘブライ語 メアット 「無に等しい,小さい,貧しい」の意]です。メアットは箴言 10章20節では,「神に従う人の舌は精選された銀。神に逆らう者の心は無に等しい」 と訳出しています。
わが友,十字架を支える戸村若文兄が動画に登場します(1分28秒後)。同じ時間帯,同じ場所にいた画像に写っていない福岡真悟兄たちも街頭宣教に共に積極的でした。[制作創作集団A代表 中永公子 ナレーター 新井晴み]。
『クリスチャン新聞』(1998年2月1日付) “Christian Shimbun” (February 1, 1998)
God, the creator, has consistent standards when choosing people, humans, and communities.
God has been choosing “the things that are not” two thousand years ago as well as four thousand years ago. God never chooses people based on excellency, ability, and power. Why did God choose Israel?
“The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.” (Deuteronomy 7:7)
We are not able to understand the meaning of “more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples”. There were many ethnic groups. The original Hebrew word “mot” means “same as nothing, smaller, poor”. mot is translated as “the tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value” in Proverbs 10:20.
Therefore, the prophets, leaders, and apostles, who were chosen and used by God, were the same as having “no value”.
On March 7, 1995, the current church had given birth in Kobe City. We started to talk about the gospel in front of the station in the city that was attacked by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Mr. Shingo Fukuoka and his wife Mrs. Wilsey, who currently live in Hong Kong, are the first fruits of our church. They are bringing up their children gently, based on the Bible. At the time of their return to Japan, they still engage in working for sharing the gospel together during our worship, and we appreciate their grace. They conducted their missionary work to let people be familiar with the Bible to meet with Christ at the neighboring church, not giving the message to invite them to their church. For three years, they continued without taking rest even under rain, snow, and severe sunshine day.
岩井健作牧師(日本基督教団元神戸教会牧師),本田哲郎司祭や,渡辺英俊牧師(移住労働者と連帯する 全国ネットワーク共同代表)たちとの出会いは私の聖書観に大きな影響を与えました。なぜなら阪神・淡路大震災から5年を経た2000年に「解放の神学」にはじめて接したからです。
第2バチカン公会議[ラテン語 Concilium Vaticanum Secundum 1962-1965]で大きくローマ・カトリック教会も変化しました。教会法で信者を縛ってきた内容が80パーセント近く変革されたのは,「解放の神学」の影響です。
被災者や,孤児,戦争や被災により夫をなくした独身女性,難民に寄り添うようになったのは,「解放の神学」のお かげです。
Encounter with Pastor Iwai Kensaku (former pastor of the Kobe Church, the United Church of Christ in Japan), Mr. Tetsuro Honda (Former Province, Franciscan of Japan), Pastor Hidetoshi Watanabe (Director of Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan) had a great influence on my view on the Bible. Because in the year 2000 which passed five years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, I first touched on “Liberation theology”.
The Roman-Catholic church greatly changed at the Vatican II Congress [Latin Concilium Vaticanum Secundum 1962-1965]. The reason why the content of religious believers was reformed by the Church law nearly 80% have been reformed to “Liberation theology”.
It is thanks to “Liberation theology” that I have had compassion for orphans, single women who lost their husbands because of war and suffering, and refugees.
Church formation may one day be suitable for “Liberation theology”
The pastor’s living style is like always challenging through narrow gates. As a labor pastor, my income from as a language teacher of Hebrew, Greek, and English, and a lecturer at Union University, are very few. It was a thorny path that could not be done anything without my wife’s patience, love, and prayer. Late Kayoko is the greatest person who has led Yoshio Iwamura into a full-fledged person. Since 2001, it has been transforming into a church that cooperates with people who are hurt in society, filled with the Holy Spirit, thanksgiving, joy, and hope.
問い合わせ先: 神戸国際キリスト教会の牧師館=自宅 (教会は6丁目)
牧師 岩村義雄
〒655-0049 神戸市垂水区狩口台5-1-101
Tel : (078) 782-9697 Fax: (078) 784-2939
E-mail: QYH05423@nifty.com
携帯 070-5045-7127
If you would like to communicate with the pastor, please contact below.
You can also refer to the schedule of our volunteering work.
<<Reference>> Contact: Pastor’s residence of the Kobe International Christ Church (=House / Office) Church is located in Kariguchi-dai 6-chome.
Pastor: Yoshio Iwamura
1-101 Kariguchi-dai 5-chome, Tarumi, Kobe, Japan 655-0049
Tel: (078) 782-9697 Fax: (078) 784-2939
Mobile: 070-5045-7127
E-mail: QYH05423@nifty.com
牧師の歩み 変節
Pastor’s pathway, Pastor Yoshio Iwamura Apostasy
『平和のための宗教』―対話と協力 16 (WCRP日本委員会 2024年)
Open Book
4回にわたる「随想随筆」『中外日報』(2020年10月23日~11月20日) (「キリスト教と災害」のWEBに英文掲載)
『石巻かほく』(2017年10月3日~11月) 9回にわたる「つつじ野」
⇒ WEB「田・山・湾の復活」にも英文掲載
While I was working at a foreign shipping company in 1975, I had a door-to-door visit of the Watch Tower (the Jehovah’s Witnesses) believers. I was the third generation of the Roman-Catholic church family; therefore, I was going to refute the visitors, but I became a follower of Mr. Kinji Nakano.
右 中野欽司From Right, Elder Kinji Nakano, Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
I changed my job to teach English conversation and do test preparation private tutoring for my boss’s son, and eventually, evangelism became a center of my ordinal life. I was inspired by Mr. Motoyuki Maki & Mrs. Maki Megumi, the couple the most trusted family for me.
今でも,個々の証人の勤勉さ,情熱,正直さには尊敬の念をもっています。平気でウソをついていた悪い性向が聖書を鏡にして正されるように変えられたことは感謝でした。開拓宣教学校,長老学校[Kingdom Ministry School]で学びます。明舞団地の地域の模範的な開拓者として出版物にも掲載されるようになります。ものみの塔世界本部の統治体のメンバーとも渡米で親しくしていました。故岩村カヨ子は日本で一番多くの雑誌などを提供することでも注目されていました。1980年代は『ものみの塔』誌などを開拓者価格で購入し,販売していた時代でした。毎月300冊以上を定期的に購入してくださる人々を明舞の区域の戸別訪問で見いだしていました。義雄は,反対するご主人,キリスト教会信者,若者たちなど,常に20人以上の研究生をかかえての牧羊生活でした。やがて妻カヨ子は過労で歩けなくなり,目もかすんできました。
I still have respect for the diligence, passion, and honesty of individual Watch Tower believers. I appreciate that the bad propensity to lie without hesitation was corrected by making the Bible a mirror. I studied at the Kaitaku Senkyo School (Pioneer Evangelism School) and Kingdom Ministry School (Kingdom Ministry School for elders). I was also covered in publications as an exemplary pioneer in the area of the Kobe Meimai housing complex. I was familiar with the members of the governing body of the Watch Tower world headquarter through the visit to the United States. Kayoko Iwamura drew people’s attention as the person who was the most providing magazines in Japan. In the 1980s, it was the time when we purchased “Watch Tower” magazines at pioneer discount prices and sold them. We found people who periodically purchase more than 300 amounts of magazines monthly at door-to-door visits in the area of Meimai area. Yoshio was a shepherd living life with always over 20 students who were refused by husbands, Christian church believers, and young people. My wife Kayoko had been becoming difficulty in walking because of being overworked, and her eyes had become hazy.
牧師の宗教遍歴に関心のある方々へ。⇒ 遍歴「現代キリスト教弁証学」。
As the Presiding Overseer, I persecuted the Christian church and gave my passion for the abolishment. I read the Bible because of the disease of the pioneering wife Kayoko. Although it is not only the Watch Tower association, people also tend to see their own organization as an absolute one while saying that human beings are incomplete. The history of periods of ebb and flow is telling the transition of the hierarchy of the control system, companies, and religious groups. In 1988, I realized mistakes about Christ, organization worships and repeated interpretation of the Bible. Staying as the director, 38 people withdrew from the group with me. There was a separation from people who were like the same blood family.
脱会後,理論ではものみの塔教理には歯が立ちません。いのちのことば社の元編集部長長沢俊夫氏の助言もあり,神戸改革派神学校(1993-1998)で聴講。資格のためではありませんでした。神戸ルーテル神学校(1996-1999)やAGST[アジア神学大学院]※(1998-2000)などでも初代教父の教理史などを受講。教授,講師たちとの出合いを通じて,やがて神戸聖書宣教学校の科目を担当していただくことになります。神戸国際キリスト教会の創世記は理論,つまり教理,教義を重要視していました。カルヴァンは「説教者の働きは講壇からの説教で終わるのではない」と言いました。西方教会のプロテスタント教会にとり説教は命がけです。「御言葉を宣べ伝えなさい。折が良くても悪くても励みなさい。とがめ,戒め,励ましなさい。忍耐強く,十分に教えるのです」 (Ⅱテモテ 4:2)。しかし,しゃべくりをやめます。抑圧された人々の方を選びました。「もし彼らが,抑圧する者のゆえに,主に叫ぶならば,主は彼らのために救助者を送り,彼らを救われる」 (イザヤ 19:20)。「……わたしの兄弟とは,神の言葉を聞いて行う人たちのことである」 (ルカ 8:21)。やがて教会全体が神学より行ないに移行する契機に遭遇します。
※ ページ末の AGST (アジア神学大学院) Asia Graduate School of Theology ニュース 参照。
After I left the Watch Tower, the theory of the group was beyond my ability. Since I received advice from Toshio Nagasawa, the former editorial director of Word of Life, I attended the Kobe Reformed Theological Seminary (1993-1998). It did not attend to receive a qualification. I also attended to learn about the doctrine of the first Christian church father at the Kobe Lutheran Theological Seminary (1996-1999) and the Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST, 1998-2000).
Through meeting with professors and lecturers, I asked them to teach some subjects at the Kobe Bible Seminary at my church. The beginning of the Kobe International Christ Church emphasized theory, that is, doctrine and teaching. Calvin said, “The Work of the preacher is not to end with a sermon from the lecture”. Preaching the Protestant church of the Western Church is a life. “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2) However, I stopped talking. I chose people who were oppressed. “When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them.” (Isaiah 19:20) “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” (Luke 8:21) Eventually, I encounter the opportunity of the transformation of the entire church shift from theology to actual work.
*Please refer to the AGST (Asia Graduate School of Theology) News.
岩村義雄牧師の考え方に批判したい方 ⇒ 牧師の拙論
Those who want to criticize the idea of Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
⇒ Pastor’s writing work, with a Complete manuscript of English
History of the Kobe International Christ Church
In the ten years of the first stage (1989-1999), we were going to prove a testimony of “heresy”,
The ten years of the second stage (2000-2010), I served at the pastoral association for unifying Christian churches.
In the third stage (2011- ), I start the work of Co-existence, Share sufferings, Ku-en (connection born from sharing sufferings) with the people who are made to be small.
第一段階 キリスト教異端への反駁
The first stage: Refutation to the heresy of Christianity
異端を反論する動機は多くの人々を誤導した責任があったからです。ものみの塔全体にまちがいに気づいていただくために『神のみ名は‘エホバ’か』(いのちのことば社発行),『聖書に基づいて彼らと論じる』などの出版物などを発刊しました。 前者は目の不自由な方のためにも≪参照≫点字発行されています。牧師の拙論「福音とは何か」が終着点です。
The motivation to refute the heretics came from the responsibility for misguiding many people. To let people notice the mistakes, I published “Is God’s name ‘Jehovah’” (Word of Life) and “Discuss with Jehovah based on the Bible”. The first book is also published in the Braille version for blind people.
<<Reference>> My writing “What is the gospel?” is the last destination.
『福音主義神学―終末論』No.31 (岩村義雄共 日本福音主義神学会 2000年 )。
≪動画参照≫ 超教派ブレザレン 神戸国際キリスト教会 街頭宣教シーン<<Reference video>> The scene of the street missionary of Super-denomination Brethren Church, The Kobe International Christ Church.
第二段階 教会一致への奉仕
The second stage: Serve to the church unification
2001年の9・11テロは教会が社会的に何ができるか問われました。世界観,宗教,生き方を根本的に変えるできごとでした。何もたいしたことができない小さな教会ですが,市民運動など教会外の活動に理解し,祈ってくれる仲間,友,妻が応援しているからこそ挫折を乗り越えてきました。 ≪参照≫「神戸と聖書」,『手をたずさえて』(KBH10周年)。
In the next ten years from 2000 to 2010, I devoted myself to the work of unifying the Christian churches. I was the leader who was telling a bad reputation from the house to the house that Christian churches were schematized. It was my atonement of myself because I had been abolishing the Christian churches. I served for the realization of the peace of the Christians, I hold such as the Bible exhibition to unify based on the Bible (May 9 ~ 14, 2001), Kobe Bible House (January 31, 2003, ~), and Tarumi Prayer Meeting (July 17, 2010). I was able to open up and rebuild with the cooperation of many people.
As a secretariat of the 150th anniversary of the Japanese Protestant missionary that was held at Pacifico Yokohama from July 8~9, 2009, I commuted from Kobe to Tokyo for about a year.
The 9.11 terror in 2001 took place. It was an event that fundamentally changed the worldview, religion, and way of life. Our church was asked what we can do for society. We are just a small church that cannot do such things, but we have overcome difficulties through people’s understanding of the civil movement activities out of church work, prayers from fellowships, and support from friends and wives.
<<Reference>> “Kobe and the Bible”, “Holding hands”. (10th anniversary of KBH)
垂水朝祷会発会式 後列の右端坂田昭男牧師の隣は垂水カトリック教会の小野<ruby>久美<rt>ひさよし</rt></ruby>兄(2012年9月9日召天)です。第一回目東北ボランティアの3月18日,重い米などを狩口台の牧師館に運んでくださいました。
The Opening of Tarumi Prayer Meeting The person next to Pastor Akio Sakata, who is at the right corner of the back row, is Brother Hisayoshi Ono (Died on September 9, 2012) from Tarumi Roman Catholic Church. He carried a heavy rice packet for the first Tohoku Volunteer on March 18, to our Pastor’s residence at Kariguchidai.
第三段階 小さくされた人々と苦縁
The third stage: Kuen (Relationship to share sufferings) with those who are made to be small.
「最も小さい者の一人」 と共に生きる (マタイ 25:45) 教会一丸となってボランティア
To live with “One of the least of these” (Matthew 25:45)
Work together as one church for volunteer work.
三段階目に,東日本大震災が起きたことが教会をも揺り動かしました。「隣人を愛せよ」 と人々にすすめながら,自分たちだけが救われるという排他的,非寛容な生き方をしてきた宗教者の歩みを悔い改めました。釜ヶ崎へ行動を共にしてきた≪参照≫山本智也さん,柴笠雄輝さんなど学生ボランティアや,教会のメンバーたちも最初から行動を共にしています。近隣のキリスト教会だけでなく,教会の管理事務所,ご近所を含めて,多くの方々の祈り,ご協力,ご支援をいただいています。
第38回日韓交流信徒大会 2024年1月8日
東北ボランティア(農・林・漁) 2011年の3.11以来
『東北テレビ』(TBC 2023年5月16日18:15-19:00 田植え) 脱穀
In the third stage, the occurrence of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami also pushed the church. I repented the walk of a religious person who had lived exclusive and intolerant living life that saves only us while telling people “Love your neighbor”. The student volunteer Tomoya Yamamoto and Yuki Shibakasa, who has been working at Kamagasaki (the poorest town in Japan) together with church members from the beginning.<<Reference>> Moreover, we are receiving prayers, cooperation, and support from many people not only from neighboring Christian churches but also including the church management office and neighborhood.
「なぜシリア・ボランティアに行くのか」(兵庫県県庁記者クラブ 2023年9月26日)
The first place to visit before heading to Ishinomaki City Miyagi Prefecture on March 21, 2001, was a Korean school. <<Reference>>
The late Principal Mr. Yun Jong-chol 尹鐘哲 on the third person from the left in the back row.
Participants of the 1st Tohoku Volunteer The second person from the right at the back row. Lee Chi-se李 志世, Photographed by Lee Sang-yong李 相英 on March 21, 2011.
『Kiss FM KOBE』(2021年8月14日)。
「森 祐理 の心のメロディ」
『福音と世界』(新教出版社 2023年12月号)。
After our church service, we all church members go to the sports festivals, bazaars, and class visits of our neighboring Kobe Korean Elementary & Junior High School and Korean High School to dance and live together.
Pastor is a member of a standing committee of “Association of Japan-North Korea friendship in Hyogo”. We take part in a monthly signature-collecting campaign for a school cost-free of Korean school in front of JR Motomachi station. Late Mrs. Kayoko Iwamura was the greatest contributor to her husband, church, and volunteer activities. As the mother of Volunteer-dō, she passed away on October 17, 2016. She raised many young people.
ボランティア道の母 岩村カヨ子
Mother of Volunteer-dō, Kayoko Iwamura
In 2020, handmade mask framing is being carried out based on the Japanese philanthropic spirit for orphans who are difficult to obtain due to coronary baldness, single women who lost their husbands, and elderly singles.
『ソズキュ放送』Sözcü TV(2020年11月26日付) トゥンチ・ソイヤー総合市長
トルコ沖地震を支縁 孤児への関心が宗教間の対立を取り除く 『クリスチャンプレス』(2021年1月12日付)
神戸国際支縁機構、トルコ沖地震を支援 孤児への関心が宗教間の対立を取り除く
『ラダー スルテン紙』(2019年9月14日付)
全訳 日英
Yoshio Iwamura
SILATURA HMI: Clerk of Central Sulawesi Province, Yoshio Iwamura who met with Hidayat Lamakarate.
Yoshio Iwamura started taking care of Firdaus, one of the children who lost their parents due to Petobo fluidization.
Japanese, Yoshio Iwamura supports children of victims of Palu
PALU-aims to help children affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, and Firdaus in Central Sulawesi Province. Men who came from Japan are looking for children who have no children. Children of victims without parents have a place to live in one of the facilities, and funds are provided by foster parents until they can grow and become independent. A children’s facility will be built at BTN Palupi Permai, Blok. V5. No.14. It is “Kayoko Children Home”. Kayoko himself was taken from the name of his wife who died about three years ago. As this couple was not blessed with children, Yoshio Iwamura is out in the world to help abandoned and orphaned children.
“Kayoko Children Home” is told in the journal that an orphan will be provided with an education fee of 3,000 yen per month, until an adult at an institution.
In this support, Yoshio Iwamura is a donation raised by Japanese people for children affected by the disaster. First, Yoshio Iwamura came to Pal on September 31, 2018, three days after the earthquake. He was rescued by BASARNAS members.
Yoshio Iwamura met with Dr. Ir. Edward Abdurrahman, Director of M.Sc, and Dr. Maryoko Hadi, Geologist. The agenda for building educational institutions in various places in Indonesia, how to respond to volcanic eruptions, and how much support from Japan was discussed for about two hours. After that, Yoshio Iwamura was handed over autograph letters from Toshizo Ido, Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, and the mayor of Kobe, Mr. Kizo Hisamoto.
At the moment, a visit for Yoshio Iwamura, scheduled to be held for the fourth time in Pal due to his noble work, is scheduled for 14 September. It is the opening ceremony of the facility. It is available for at least 5 children.
Yoshio Iwamura met with one of the children who lost her parents during Petobo’s fluidization on Wednesday, May 8th, the third visit. The four-and-a-half-year-old boy Firdaus, who he met in the temporary hut, lives with his grandmother, Carida Muhammad (58). At the time of the earthquake, 11 families were killed in Petobo’s fluidization. “I met my family for the second time, and we told the family about the intentions and support of “The Kobe International Sustaining Organization”, “Kayoko Fund,” but Firdaus still can not leave his grandmother. In this temporary hut, Firdaus’s grandmother has a role to cook for other sisters, so she can not go home immediately.” The problem facing Yoshio Iwamura was that relatives, such as grandfathers, usually did not immediately agree to let go of orphans. However, given the realistic life, learning, and future prospects of children, it is only a matter of time before it is judged to be the best choice for children.
He also held talks with the Secretary of State of Central Sulawesi, H Moh Hidayat Lamakarate MSi, by explaining the purpose of the “Kobe International Sustaining Organization” and the purpose of the “Kayoko Fund” to Palu city. As an expense for the construction of a facility for the affected children, the organization provided 1 million yen including land, maintenance, and labor costs. As a location condition, the facility will be built near the school or mosque. The education of children is smooth, and it is easy to get knowledge about religions such as morals.
“For this work, we found the right partner, Stephan & Yeni Limboki Family, and the Rinboki Family is also responsible for the failure to build and maintain the facility. This Family is the most appropriate person to take care of the children of Palu,” he said.
SILATURAHMI:中央スラウェシ州の書記(次期長官とパル市民は期待),Hidayat Lamakarateと会った岩村義雄。
PALU – 中央スラウェシ州の地震,津波,液状化の被害を受けた子供たちを支援することを目的としています。日本から来こらました男性は,身寄りがない子どもたちを探しています。両親がいない被災者の子どもたちは,施設のうちの1つに住む場所を備え,成長して自立できるようになるまで資金が里親から支給されます。子ども用施設はBTN Palupi Permai Blokに建設予定です。 V5 No.14の地番です。「カヨコ・チルドレン・ホーム」です。カヨコさん自身は、約3年前に亡くなった妻の名前から取ったものです。この夫婦は子どもたちに恵まれていなかったので、岩村義雄は放棄され孤児になった子供たちを助けるために世界に出かけています。
今回の支援では,岩村義雄は,災害の被害を受けた子どもたちのために日本人から集められた寄付金です。最初に,岩村義雄は2018年9月31日,つまり震災から3日後にパルにやって来ました。彼はBASARNASメンバーと一緒に救助活動をしました。教育省 Ir. Edward Abdurrahman, M.Sc長官や,地質研究家Maryoko Hadi博士と,会談しました。インドネシア各地に教育機関を建造する議題,火山の噴火にどう対応するか,日本からの支縁について約2時間話し合われました。その後,ジョコ・ウィドド大統領宛の井戸敏三兵庫県知事,久元喜造神戸市長の親書をが手渡されました。
第3回目の訪問である昨日の水曜日(5月8日)に,岩村義雄はペトボの液化中に両親を失った子どもの一人と会いました。仮設小屋で出会った4歳半の少年フィドラスは,祖母のCarida Muhammad(58)と同居しています。震災時に11人の家族をペトボの液状化で亡くしました。「二度目のフィドラスとの出会い,私たち神戸国際支縁機構,「カヨ子基金」の意図や支縁を家族に伝えましたが,それでもフィドラスは彼の祖母から離れることはできません。この仮設小屋ではフィドラスの祖母は他の妹たちために調理する役割があるのですぐにホームに入れない」,という説明がありました。岩村義雄が直面している問題は,祖父たちなど親戚が通常孤児を手放すことにすぐに同意しないということでした。しかし,現実的な子どもたちの生活,学び,将来への見通しを考えると,一番,子ども達にとって良い選択であると判断されるのは時間の問題です。
彼はまた,神戸国際支縁機構の目的と「カヨ子基金」の目的をパル市に説明することにより,中央スラウェシ州務長官H Moh Hidayat Lamakarate MSiと会談にこぎつけました。被災した子どもたちのための施設を建設するための費用として,機構は土地,維持管理,人件費を含まない100万円を提供しました。立地条件として,施設は学校やモスクの近くに建設されます。子どもの教育は円滑になり,またモラルなどの宗教に関する知識も得られやすい環境にあります。
Facilities for orphans, “Kayoko Children Center” and “Kayoko Children Home” have been built at the disaster affected areas.
『デーリー・ポスト』(2018年12月6日付)。“Daily Post” (December 6, 2018)
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
VBTC バヌアツテレビ(2018年12月6日午後7時半) 「カヨコ・チルドレン・センター」
『読売新聞』(2017年8月24日付) Kayoko Fund Pastor Yoshio Iwamura “Yomiuri Shimbun” (August 24, 2017) Kayoko Fund
Quang Binh TV Vietnam 2016年11月15日放映
Vietnam Flood Damage Volunteering TV (November 15, 2016)
『クアン・ビン』(2016年11月16日付)。“Quảng Bình” (November 16, 2016)
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
ネパール Doleshwor TV (2017年12月28日) 短縮版 Nepal Doleshwor TV (December 28, 2017). Shortened version.
“Doleshwor TV放送” (2017年9月28日) 孤児の施設NNC開所式
マスコミ各紙 2017年7月 Kayoko Fund Pastor Yoshio Iwamura Newspapers on July, 2017.
From the 1st Tohoku Volunteer, a presbyter Toshihisa Honda serves as a role to receive medical supplies in Tokyo and drive to Saito Hospital in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture on March 22, 2011, by himself.
『キリスト新聞』(2011年4月2日付) “The Christ Weekly” (April 2, 2011) Kobe International Supporting Organization Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
≪参照≫東日本大震災 <<Reference>> The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
Please click the blue letters. Explanation or Movie
教会の牧師に,神戸新聞会館岩田隆男元理事長から,2011年4月11日を皮切りに,≪参照≫「『死』を考える」講座が依頼されました。続いて,4月14日,阪神・淡路大震災の反省を込めて,宗教者間の平和のために,住職や神主たちと≪参照≫「阪神宗教者の会」を設立しました。 ≪参照≫東北追悼と復興の祈りなどのプログラムを展開しています。2012年2月7日,非常勤で神戸の近現代史とキリスト教で用いられていた神戸松蔭女子学院大学で,東日本大震災チャリティのシンポジウムで「田・山・湾の復活」を話しました。2013年10月から,「こころやすらぐ『聖書』のことば『岩村義雄』三宮KCC・神戸新聞文化センター」 も依頼されます。本田兄も自分の属する中小企業経済同友会の事務局として福島県を再三訪問し,真実について発信しています。教会の若いメンバー≪参照≫村上裕隆さん(当時20歳),中田悠一さん(22才 下記参照),本田博之さん(17歳),大島健二郎さん(25歳)も被災地へ出かけます。
From the former president of the Kobe Shimbun Kaikan Mr. Takao Iwata, the pastor of our church was asked to give a lecture about “Think about the ‘death’ together”, starting from April 11, 2011.
<<Reference>> Subsequently, on April 14, we established the “Hanshin Religious Society” for creating peace among religious people to express our remorse for the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake with Buddhist monks and Shinto priests. <<Reference>> We organize programs such as Tohoku memorials and prayers for reconstruction. On February 7, 2012, I talked about the “Resurrection of Rice Field, Mountain, and Bay” at the symposium on the Tohoku Earthquake, charity at a Kobe Shoin Women’s University where was used as a part-time lecturer in the modern history of Kobe and Christianity. In October 2013, I was asked to conduct “The words to heal the heart from ‘the Bible’, ‘Yoshio Iwamura’” at Sannomiya KCC, Kobe Shimbun Publishing Center. Brother Honda is also visiting Fukushima Prefecture again and again as the secretariat of the National Conference of the Association of Small Business Entrepreneurs, which he belongs to, and sending out the truth. Young members of our church, Hirotaka Murakami (28 years old), Yuichi Nataka (30 years old, see reference below), Hiroyuki Honda (25 years old), and Kenjiro Oshima (33 years old) also go to the disaster-affected areas
The Year 2018 was a year with many natural disasters. The Northern Osaka Earthquake in June. Concentrated heavy rain in Kobe in July. Concentrated heavy rain on July 7 at Western Japan Flood, Masue (Haki Town), Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture was affected by concentrated heavy rain in 2017, and 22 people were dead out of 42 injuries). Mabi town at Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, 51 people were dead out of 227 missing and injuries. Following the heatwave of August, typhoon No.21 attacked in September. Continuously, Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake occurred and 36 people were dead out of 41 missing and injuries only at Atsuma town.
We are serving by doing volunteer at Watanoha Ishinomaki City Miyagi Prefecture, Masuki Town Kumamoto Prefecture, and Hakimasue Asakura City Fukuoka Prefecture. Typhoon No.18 attacked on September 10, 2015, so four male members of the Kobe International Christ Church went to do volunteer work at Kinugawa Flood Damage from September 20 to 24, 2015.
At the 2016 Kumamoto and Ōita earthquakes, which were the great earthquakes that occurred on April 14 and 16 (the mainshock), 2016, our three church members went out to the affected site on April 17 (Sunday) after the worship.
As soon as we heard about the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain on July 5, 2017, five Christians served to provide 200 meals from the night of July 7 (Friday) 11 times. To support this activity, three people headed from our church.
KBHニューズレターNo.76(2016年6月10日付) KBH Newsletter No.76 (June 10, 2016)
東北ボランティア≪参照≫の継続は垂水朝祷会や,牧師館のご近所の人々,ボランティア参加の皆さまの祈りによって支えられています。ボランティア道≪参照≫はキリスト教の布教を目的としていません。被災地において伝道ではなく,福音を分かち合うこと,すなわち被災者のお世話などの行ないだけです。 ⇒ 神戸国際支縁機構の≪参照≫日程。
東北,≪参照≫丹波水害,バヌアツ,ネパール,ベトナム,シリア,インドネシア国パル,炊き出しなど日本のみならず世界のどこにおいても被災で苦悩している地域においてあらゆる善い業のために備えられたものとなりましょう(Ⅱテモテ 2:21)。
Continuation of the Tohoku Volunteer is supported by prayers of the Tarumi Prayer Meeting Prayer, neighbors of the pastor’s house, and every volunteer participant. <<Reference>> “Volunteer-dō” is not intended for the missionary work of Christianity. <<Reference>> We do action to share the gospel without doing evangelism in the disaster-affected area, which means taking care of the victims.
⇒ Schedule of the Kobe International Sustaining Organization <<Reference>> We will be present to provide good work with doing such as providing good not only in Japan but also anywhere in the world that is suffering from disaster affection.
<<Reference>>Tohoku, Tanba Flood Damage, Vanuatu, Nepal, Vietnam, Syria, Indonesia Palu. (Timothy 2:21).
海外ボランティア 国境を渡河
Overseas volunteer. Crossing the border
バヌアツ国 ボールドウィン・ジェイコブソン・ロンズデール(Baldwin Jacobson Lonsdale)大統領と会見 2015年4月24日
Meeting with Vanuatu President Baldwin Jacobson Lonsdale (April 24, 2015)
『デーリー・ポスト』(2015年4月25日付)。“Daily Post” (April 25, 2015)
ベトナム・水害ボランティア (2016年11月) Vietnam Flood Damage Volunteer (November 2016)
ネパール・ボランティア Nepal Volunteer
『中小企業家しんぶん』(2014年8月5日付) Toshihisa Honda
“Chyushokigyoka Shimbun” (August 5, 2014) Toshihisa Honda
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
“Chugai Nippoh” (April 23, 2014) Yoshio Iwamura.
『中外日報』「時感断想」(2013年4月23日~5月21日)。 Pastor Yoshio Iwamura 画像上部の「次の画像」をクリックなさると,ページが順番にご覧になれます。
AGST (アジア神学大学院) Asia Graduate School of Theology ニュース 2015年12月5日付
① アジアの最貧国ネパール訪問記,② バヌアツの被災地報告
AGST (Asia Graduate School of Theology) News (December 5, 2015) Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
①Visit to the poorest country in Asia, Nepal.
②Report on the disaster-affected areas in Vanuatu
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura