福音(良いたより) とは何か
“Blackan TV” 『ブラッキャン・TV』(2017年10月21日午後7時半) Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
神戸国際キリスト教会 礼拝説教
牧師 岩村義雄 Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
英文完全原稿 Complete manuscript of English ⇒ ”What is the Gospel”
(1) 伝道をどう考えるか2
a. キリストの命令?
b. キリストご自身はだれも改宗させなかった
c. キリストは人々に仕えた
(2) 福音とは伝道ではない
a. キリストの業とは伝道ではない
b. 人々に伝える宣教とは3
c. 人々を改宗させる聖書的根拠はない4
「涙と共に種を蒔く人は 喜びの歌と共に刈り入れる」は
⇒ 「わたしを尋ねなかった者たちに自分を現した」
(1) 伝道をどう考えるのか
a. キリストの命令?
伝道して信者を増やすことでしょうか。“the Great Commission”(マタイ28:19)を旗印にしてきました。しかし,キリストは決して回心者を増やしなさいとは言われませんでした。弟子を増やしなさいと言われたにすぎません。西方教会,たとえば,ローマ・カトリック教会のイエズス会士フランシスコ・ザヴィエル[1506-1552]や,プロテスタント教会の福音派は未信者に原罪からの「救い」「永遠の命」「信仰」 を伝えました。
b. キリストご自身はだれも改宗させなかった
キリストご自身はだれひとり改宗に導いておられません。ゲラサで悪霊に憑かれた人にも改宗を迫らず,自分の家の宗教に戻るように言いました(マルコ 5:1-19),百人隊長も回心しなくても「これほどの信仰を見たことがない」(マタイ 8:5-13),シリア・フェニキアの女性(マタイ 15:21-28,マルコ 7:24)に対して回心しなくても「信仰は立派」と言われました。
c. キリストは人々に仕えた
むしろ“the Great Commandment”(「隣人を愛しなさい」に基づいたディアコニア「仕える」「世話する」「給仕する」の模範を示されました。(マタイ 20:28,25:44; ルカ 12:37; ヨハネ 12:2,13:34)。
「御国」 (王国)(マタイ 24:14)が将来に実現するかのような福音も要注意です。戦争,飢餓,貧困,病気,死がなくなる時代の到来をまるで不老長寿の薬を売り歩くのは異なる福音です。(ガラテア 1:8,9)。「神の国は,飲み食いではなく,聖霊によって与えられる義と平和と喜びなのです」 (ローマ 14:17)と書かれているように,神によってもたらされる霊的な「義と平和と喜び」 に満ちた状態こそが「御国」 です。したがって,「御国」 [“我と汝の関係”,つまり神が私たちの心の統治者として治めている関係]は西暦一世紀に成就したことが福音です。
「御父は,わたしたちを闇の力から救い出して,その愛する御子の支配下 [御国 バスィレイア]に移してくださいました」 (コロサイ 1:13)。
であるならば,「御国に行けますように」にと祈るのは異質です。「御国が来ますように」 (マタイ 6:10)と心の王座に神を迎え入れる祈りが聞き届けられる基準でしょう。
(2) 福音とは伝道ではない
a. キリストの業とは伝道ではない
キリストの十字架(ガラテア 6:14)により,“この世からの救い(salue emundo)”より,“この世の救い(salue undo)”に光が差し込みます。イエス自らも抑圧された罪人,弱者,病人のために派遣されました(für andere da sein)。
「福音」 good newsを実践されます。(イザヤ 61:1; ルカ 4:18)。
キリストのエルゴン「業(わざ)」 とは,「伝道」ではありません(ヨハネ 4:34, 5:36, 9:4,10:25,17:4)。徹頭徹尾に抑圧,差別,人権をないがしろにされている小さな人々に仕えることでした。(マタイ 20:28,23:11, マルコ 9:35,10:43,45, ルカ 22:26, 第2コリント 4:5, 第1テモテ 5:16)。
b. 人々に伝える宣教とは
「生きているのは,もはや私ではありません。キリストがわたしの内に生きておられるのです。私が今,肉において生きているのは,私を愛し,私のためにご自身を献げられた神の子の真実によるものです」 (ガラテア 2:20)。
すなわち,「キリストが私の内に生きておられる」 ことが伝わればいいのです。「私を見た者は,父を見たのだ」 (ヨハネ 14:9)と模範を示されたキリストに倣うのがキリスト者の歩みです(エフェソス 5:1,2:10)。
「私たちの推薦状は,あなたがた自身です。それは,私たちの心に記されていて,すべての人に知られ,また読まれています。あなたがたは,私たちが書いたキリストの手紙であって,墨ではなく生ける神の霊によって,石の板ではなく人間の心の板に書き記されたものであることは,明らかです」 (Ⅱコリント 3:2,3)。
(ゾゥ デ ウケティ エゴゥ ゼィ デ エン エモイ クリストス オ デ ヌン ゾゥ エン サルキ)「我キリストと偕(とも)に十字架につけられたり。最早(もはや)われ生くるにあらず,キリスト我が内に在りて生くるなり。ラテン語 vivo autem iam non ego vivit vero in me Christus quod autem nunc」(ガラテア 2:20),と私たちの教養,学識,知性は「塵あくたスクバロン くず,廃物,汚物;糞,糞尿の意〉」であり,被災地の息も絶え絶えの人にはむしろ無用です(フィリピ 3:8)。
釜ヶ崎で無給司祭として,労働者に散髪の世話をしたり,生きる権利が抑圧されている人たちと共生している≪参照≫本田哲郎さんがおられます。「最も小さい者の一人」(マタイ 25:45)と連帯しています。本田さんによると,ドヤに住み,あるいは路上生活者は努力して「最も小さい者」になったのではありません。社会,制度,企業によって「小さく,低く」 されたのです。
ここでも,被災地でも,伝道する必要はありません。「涙と共に種を蒔く人は 喜びの歌と共に刈り入れる」という「種まき」 (詩編 126:5)は1世紀に終わっています(マルコ 4:1-9, マタイ 13:1-9,ルカ 8:1-15)。農夫である「種まく人」,つまりイエス・キリストがすでに,いばらや,岩地,荒野に種を蒔かれています。
「すでに色づいて刈り入れを待っている」 (ヨハネ 4:35)のですから,刈り取りが宣教の働きになります。
無理やりに,改宗させ,キリスト教以外に救いはないと,伝道することなど聖書の教えから脱線しています。 ≪参照≫神戸国際キリスト教会のホームページエキュメニスティ 。
コンスタンティヌス帝[コンスタンティーヌ1世 280頃-337年]から始まった4世紀以降の異質な「キリスト教」(クリスティアニスモス)の他民族支配,他文化破壊,異民族奴隷化の口実として,伝道がなされてきたのです。
c. 人々を改宗させる聖書的根拠はない
「もはや彼らは,隣人や兄弟の前で,『主を知れ』と言って教え合うことはない。小さな者から大きな者に至るまで,彼らは皆,私を知るからである――主の仰せ。私は彼らの過ちを赦し,もはや彼らの罪を思い起こすことはない」 (エレミヤ 31:34)。
「主(エホバ)を知れ」 と伝道しなくても良いのです。文脈の「来るべき日に」(ハ ヤミーム 33節)とは,イエス・キリストが地上に遣わされる「終わり時代」を意味しています。「この終わりの時には,御子を通して私たちに語られました。神は,御子を万物の相続者と定め,また御子を通して世界を造られましたを万物の相続者と定め,また,御子によって世界を創造されました」(へブライ 1:2)。つまり約2000年前,御子の誕生以来,「終わりの時代」に突入しています。
「私を求めなかった者に私は尋ね出され 私を探さなかった者に見いだされた。私の名を呼ばなかった国民に 『私はここにいる,私はここにいる』と言った」 (イザヤ 65:1)。
「それでは,信じたことのない方を,どうして呼び求めることができるのでしょう。聞いたことのない方を,どうして信じることができるのでしょう。宣べ伝える人がいなくて,どうして聞くことができるでしょう。遣わされないで,どうして宣べ伝えることができるでしょう。『なんと美しいことか,良い知らせを伝える者の足は』と書いてあるとおりです」(ローマ 10:14,15)。
パウロは「主の名を呼び求める者は皆,救われる」 (ローマ 10:13)と宣教する文脈の20節で,たとえ御名を呼び求めなくても,宣べ伝える人がいなくても,『私を求めない者に 私は見いだされ 私を尋ねない者に現れた』 と神は語っています。いったん,公布されたにもかかわらず,交通違反をした者がそんなルール知りませんでしたと弁解しても,個人責任になります。なぜなら世界中に,極東の日本,中国,朝鮮半島も含めて,種まきはキリストによって,すでになされたからです。
「あなたがたにもたらされたこの福音は,世界中至るところでそうであるように,あなたがたの間でも,神の恵みを聞いて真に理解した日から,実を結んで成長しています」 (コロサイ 1:6)。
「私が植え,アポロが水を注ぎました。しかし,成長させてくださったのは神です」 (Ⅰコリント 3:6)の「植える」のは種ではありません。種から成長した苗,接ぎ木,挿し木にすぎません。パウロは生涯,2人にしかバプテスマ(洗礼)を施していません(Ⅰコリント 1:14)。布教活動や,信者数を増やす目的の ○○伝道大会,○○伝道○○,○○宣教大会などは主催者側の自己満足,売名行為,無駄遣いにすぎません。そこにキリストの居場所がありますか。荘厳な会堂,聖歌隊,イベントで,たとえ世の権力者,学者,裕福な人を圧倒し,ひざまずかせても,福音が鳴り響いていると言えるでしょうか。
フィリッツ・アイヘンバーグ Fritz Eichenberg [1901-1990] 版画『炊き出しの列に並ぶイエス』
「主はこう言われる。公正と正義を行い,搾取されている者を虐げる者の手から救いなさい。寄留者,孤児,寡婦を抑圧したり虐待したりしてはならない。また無実の人の血をこの場所で流してはならない」 (エレミヤ 22:3)。
「みなしごや,やもめが困っているときに世話をし,世の汚れに染まることなく自分を守ること,これこそ父なる神の前に清く汚れのない宗教です」 (ヤコブ 1:27)。
What is the Gospel?
September 21, 2014
Kobe International Christ Church
Pastor Yoshio Iwamura
Complete manuscript ⇒ What is the gospel
(1) How you do you think about evangelism? | 2 |
a. Is it the order of Christ? | 2 |
“Go and make disciples of all nations”. | 2 |
Salvation of original sin. | 2 |
b. Christ never converted anyone. | 2 |
The Gerasenes | 2 |
A centurion | 2 |
Syria, Phoenicia | 2 |
c. Christ served for people. | 2 |
“Love your neighbor”. | 2 |
May the Kingdom come. | 2 |
(2) The Gospel is not the evangelism. | 2 |
a. The work of Christ was not the evangelism. | 2 |
b. What is a missionary work to tell people? | 2 |
Follow in the steps of Christ. | 3 |
We, ourselves are the letter of Christ. | 3 |
The difference between Christians and Christianity. | 4 |
c. There is no Biblical premise to convert people. | 4 |
“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy” was ended in the Early Christianity. | 4 |
Christ, the farmer, had already finished sowing. | 4 |
“You do not need to teach people with saying ‘Know the Lord’”. | 4 |
“And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” | 4 |
⇒“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.” | |
<Conclusion> | 5 |
The Gospel mission way of Christ himself. | 5 |
Take care of “the foreigners, the orphans, and the fatherless”. | 6 |
(1) How you do you think about evangelism?
a. Is it the order of Christ?
What was the Christ’s purpose of building the “Church Gk ekklesia”?Was that to increase believers by doing the evangelism? It used “the Great Commission” Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19 NIV) as the flag. However, Christ never told to increase convert to Christianity. He just told to make disciples. The Western Church, for example, Francisco de Xavier of the Society of Jesus [1506-1552] of the Roman Catholic Church, and the evangelical Protestant organizations told the unbelievers about “salvation”, “eternal life” and “faith” from original sin.
b. Christ never converted anyone.
Christ himself never led people to convert. He did not ask the person in the Gerasenes who were possessed of evil spirits to convert, and he let the person to return to his home religion. (Mark 5:1-19) Christ said to the centurion “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith” (Matthew 8:5-13), and to the woman at Syria / Phoenicia “Woman, you have great faith!” (Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24), even though they did not convert.
c. Christ served for people.
Rather he showed the example of “the Great Commandment” (Gk diakonia “to serve”, “to take care”, and “to wait on” based on “love your neighbor”). (Matthew 20:28, 25:44; Luke 12:37; John 12:2, 13:34).
We should be aware of the gospel as if the “Kingdome (Matthew 24:14)” will come true in the future. It is a different gospel to sell drug of immortality until the age that the war, hunger, poverty, illness and death will vanish to come. (Galatians 1:8-9). As it is written “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17) , the condition is filled with spiritual “righteousness, peace and joy” that are given by the God is the “Kingdom”. Therefore, the gospel is the “Kingdom” [“relationship between I and you”, the relationship that the God governs as the ruler of our heart] that was fulfilled in the first century.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” (Colossians 1:13)
If it is, it is otherness to pray as “I hope I can go to your kingdom”. The prayer to set the God at your center of the heart as “your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10) is the standard to be heard.
(2) The Gospel is not the evangelism.
a. The work of Christ was not the evangelism.
By the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14), light came into “the salvation of this world (salue undo)” from “the salvation from this world (salue emundo)”. Jesus himself was dispatched for suppressed sinners, weak and sick people. (für andere da sein).
He practiced “gospel”, good news. (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18)
Christ’s ergon “work” is not the evangelism. (John 4:34, 5:36, 9:4, 10:25, 17:4) It was to serve the small people, who were suppressed, discriminated and ignored their human rights, first, last, and always. Matthew 20:28, 23:11, Mark 9:35, 10:43, 45, Luke 22:26, 2 Corinthians 4:5, 1 Timothy 5:16).
b. What is a missionary work to tell people?
Christians should not “evangelize” desperately to expand the teaching. Through its life, it is only necessary to show the treasure of Christ in the soil pot to people.
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
In other words, it is good enough to tell “’Christ lives within me’. It is the Christian’s way to follow the example of Jesus, ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father’” (John 14:9). (Ephesians 5:1, 2:10).
You do not have to express yourself with the sacred robe, parent organization and knowledge of theological terminology, in order to be seen as a “Christian” label. Tracts, business cards and publications are unnecessary. The evaluation of the God and the public will be defined not by title, knowledge and talking, but by the way of life. Because we are the letter of Christ.
“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (II Corinthians 3:2-3).
Christō synestaurōmai zō de ouketi egō zē de en emoi Christos ho de nyn zō en sarki
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. (in Latin, ‘vivo autem iam non ego vivit vero in me Christus quod autem nunc’)” (Galatians 2:20) Own education, knowledge and intelligence are just “garbage, = waste, waste, sewage, dirt, manure”, and it is useless to weak people at the affected area. (Philippians 3:8)
Therefore, missioning about Christ is nothing less than showing yourself who have changed by meeting with Jesus. It is not by just talking.
*It is an example of people’s viewpoint, not just as a basis of the Biblical grounds.
Shigeru Nakayama : Pastor Iwamura is actively working not only at Kobe, but also at Ishinomaki. I am looking for his report.
Osamu Onodera : Yes. I think his work come from his policy or faith. I think it comes from his religious door. He is fantastic. He does not talk much about his religious thoughts. I think his life itself is the religion. Everytime, he visits here with different members by the wagon car for 10 people.
There is Tetsuro Honda, who is taking care of worker’s haircut and living together with the people whose right of live is ignored, as an unpaid priest in Kamagasaki. <Reference> He is cooperating with “one of the least of these” (Matthew 25:45). According to Honda, people who live at flophouse area or on the street never made effort to be the “one of the least of these”. They were made to be “small and least” by society, institution and enterprises.
Even here, at the affected area, you do not need to do evangelism. “Sowing” that “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy (Psalm 126:5)”, had been finished at the first century. (Mark 4:1-9, Matthew 13:1-9, Luke 8:1-15). The farmer, “a farmer to sow his seed”, that is Jesus Christ had been already sowed seeds in thorns, rocky places, and the wilderness.
Because it is said “They are ripe for harvest (John 4:35)”, reaping is the work of missionary.
Evangelism, such as forced conversion and intimidation that there is no salvation other than Christianity, are derailed from the teaching of the Bible.
<Reference> Ecumenicity HP of Kobe International Christ Church.
There is no biblical premise to propagandize.
<Reference> HP of Kobe International Christ Church.
Evangelism was carried as excuses for occupation of other ethnic groups, destruction of foreign cultures and enslavement of other ethnic groups, which had begun from Constantine the Great [Constantine I, AC.280 – 337] since the 4th century.
c.There is no Biblical premise to convert people.
The Bible testifies.
“No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
You do not have to evangelize “Know the Lord (Jehovah)”. The context of “The days are coming” ( , verse 33) means “the end of the period” that Jesus Christ is sent to the earth.
“But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe (Hebrews 1:2)”. It means that we have entered “the era of the end” about 2000 years ago, since the birth of Jesus Christ.
“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I’’. (Isaiah 65:1)
The publication of “sowing” is also an empty cleverness to find seekers.
Aggressive evangelistic groups born from United States and South Korea are extreme biblical verbalism. People will be mind-controlled to believe the next verse blindly and credulously.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)
There is no reading comprehension ability to enjoy the context while meditating it by alone.
Paul preaches in the verse 20 as “for, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Even you do not call and seek name of the Lord and there is no one to teach, God says “I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me”. Once promulgated, you cannot make any excuse that you did not know about the traffic rule, and it becomes individual responsibilities. Because, the sowing had already been done by Christ, at Japan that is the East-end of the world, including China and the Korean Peninsula.
“That has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace”. (Colossians 1:6)
“Planted” from “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow (ⅠCorinthians 3:6)” is not a seed. It is just a seedling, a grafted tree or a cutting that grew from the seed. Paul only gave baptism to two people in his life. (ⅠCorinthians 1:14) Missionary activities, evangelism contests, evangelisms and missionary conferences are only for the purpose of increasing the number of believers and those are only self-satisfaction of the organizer side as well as publicity stunt or money wasting. Is there the place for Christ? Can you say that the gospel is ringing through the majestic synagogue, choir and event while making the authorities, academics and wealthy people to kneel down?
The Gospel mission way of Christ himself.
Where is Christ?
“Christ in the Breadline” Fritz Eichenberg [1901-1990]. Print.
What is the manifestation of the gospel? The Bible is consistent.
“This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.” (Jeremiah 22:3)
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)
In Japan, Christ exists among suppressed “foreigners” like Koreans in Japan, “orphans, fatherless”, children whom lost their parents at the disaster, “widows” that lost their husbands, and discriminated people live in Buraku. To serve such “one of the least of these” is the Jesus’s gospel and work.